Camera Sensor Dust Analyzer
The Dust Analyzer was developed to eliminate the subjectivity in assessing acceptable image quality in production that occurred between three parties: the camera designer, the OEM assembly house and the end user. The main problem to solve was the high cost of shipping and reworking product. The tool represents a good example of using imaging equipment to replace visual assessments.
Project Goal:
As a contract manufacturer, Windsor is interested in getting clear specifications from their customers to ensure smooth operation of their process. Using the system, they were able to streamline their process and improve confidence that product was acceptable when it gets shipped from their facility.
All three parties agree to:
- Define the artifact
- Define location specifications
- Establish naming conventions
- Establish results format
- Establish release criteria
Benefits of using the system:
- Reduce rework
- Record test images & results
- Provide easy-to-use tool for operators
- Improve confidence in the production process
Artifact caused by dust in the camera
Location specifications of artifact were much easier to assess programmatically than visually.
Flowchart to define the assessment of the artifact helps to mitigate misunderstandings.
Agreement on what constitutes an “adjacent pixel” helps mitigate misundersandings
A simple, robust interface for production operators is essential to a smooth process